  1 ;;;; $Id: variable.lisp 245 2015-09-06 13:16:49Z ehuelsmann $
2 ;;;; $URL: file:///project/cl-irc/svn/tags/0.9.2/variable.lisp $
4 ;;;; See the LICENSE file for licensing information.
6 (in-package :irc)
8 (defvar *debug-p* nil)
9 (defvar *debug-stream* t)
11 (defconstant +soh+ #.(code-char 1))
13 (defparameter *version* "0.9.2")
14 (defparameter *ctcp-version*
15 (format nil "CL IRC library, cl-irc:~A:~A ~A"
16 *version* (machine-type) (machine-version)))
18 (defparameter *download-host* "")
19 (defparameter *download-directory* "/project/cl-irc/")
20 (defparameter *download-file*
21 (format nil "cl-irc-~A.tar.gz" *version*))
23 (defvar *default-nickname* "cl-irc")
24 (defvar *default-irc-server* "")
25 (defvar *default-irc-server-port* '(:none 6667 ;; most used for normal IRC
26 :ssl 6679 ;; most used for SSL IRC
27 ))
28 (defvar *default-quit-message*
29 "Common Lisp IRC library -")
31 (defparameter *unknown-reply-hook* nil
32 "A function of two arguments, called with the related irc connection
33 object and the protocol message string upon detection of an unmappable
34 response code.
36 The function should return a valid IRC-MESSAGE class or NIL.
38 The parameter can be NIL to disable the hook.")
40 (defparameter *default-isupport-CHANMODES*
41 "beI,kO,l,aimnpqsrt")
42 (defparameter *default-isupport-PREFIX*
43 "(ov)@+")
45 (defparameter *default-isupport-values*
46 `(("CASEMAPPING" "rfc1459")
47 ("CHANMODES" ,*default-isupport-CHANMODES*)
48 ("CHANNELLEN" "200")
49 ("CHANTYPES" "#&")
50 ("MODES" "3")
51 ("NICKLEN" "9")
52 ("PREFIX" ,*default-isupport-PREFIX*)
53 ("TARGMAX")))
55 (defparameter *default-outgoing-external-format* '(:utf-8)
56 "The external-format we use to encode outgoing messages. This
57 should be an external format spec that flexi-streams accepts.
59 :eol-style will always be overridden to be :crlf as required
60 by the IRC protocol.")
62 (defparameter *default-incoming-external-formats* '((:utf-8 :eol-style :crlf)
63 (:latin1 :eol-style :crlf))
64 "The external-formats we use to decode incoming messages. This should
65 be a list of external format specs that flexi-streams accepts.
67 The external formats are tried in order, until one decodes the
68 message without encoding errors. Note that the last external
69 format should be a single-byte one with most or even all valid
70 codepoints (such as latin-1).
72 :eol-style will always be overridden to be :crlf as required by the
73 IRC protocol.")
75 (defvar *dcc-connections* nil)
77 (defstruct (mode-description (:conc-name "MODE-DESC-"))
78 (char nil)
79 (symbol nil)
80 (param-on-set-p nil)
81 (param-on-unset-p nil)
82 (nick-param-p nil)
83 (class 'single-value-mode))
86 (defparameter *default-char-to-channel-modes-map*
87 '(
88 ;; these modes don't take parameters
89 (#\a . :anonymous)
90 (#\i . :invite-only)
91 (#\m . :moderated)
92 (#\n . :no-external)
93 (#\q . :quiet)
94 (#\s . :secret)
95 (#\r . :reop)
96 (#\t . :op-only-topic)
98 ;; these modes take a user parameter
99 (#\O . :channel-creator)
100 (#\o . :channel-operator)
101 (#\v . :voice)
103 ;; these modes take a parameter other than a user
104 (#\l . :limit)
105 (#\k . :key)
106 (#\b . :ban)
107 (#\e . :except)
108 (#\I . :invite)))
110 (defparameter *char-to-user-modes-map*
111 '((#\a . :away)
112 (#\i . :invisible)
113 (#\w . :receive-wallops)
114 (#\s . :server-notices)
115 (#\r . :restricted-connection)
116 (#\o . :remote-operator)
117 (#\O . :local-operator)))
119 (defparameter *reply-names*
120 '((1 :rpl_welcome)
121 (2 :rpl_yourhost)
122 (3 :rpl_created)
123 (4 :rpl_myinfo)
124 (5 :rpl_isupport) ;; The RFC was wrong to define RPL_BOUNCE here,
125 ;; see
126 (10 :rpl_bounce)
127 (15 :rpl_map) ; From ircd 2.11 source
128 (17 :rpl_mapend) ; From ircd 2.11 source
129 (18 :rpl_mapstart) ; From ircd 2.11 source
130 (20 :rpl_hello) ; From ircd 2.11 source
131 (42 :rpl_yourid) ; From ircd 2.11 source
132 (43 :rpl_savenick) ; From ircd 2.11 source
133 (200 :rpl_tracelink)
134 (201 :rpl_traceconnecting)
135 (202 :rpl_tracehandshake)
136 (203 :rpl_traceunknown)
137 (204 :rpl_traceoperator)
138 (205 :rpl_traceuser)
139 (206 :rpl_traceserver)
140 (207 :rpl_traceservice)
141 (208 :rpl_tracenewtype)
142 (209 :rpl_traceclass)
143 (210 :rpl_tracereconnect)
144 (211 :rpl_statslinkinfo)
145 (212 :rpl_statscommands)
146 (213 :rpl_statscline)
147 (214 :rpl_statsnline)
148 (215 :rpl_statsiline)
149 (216 :rpl_statskline)
150 (217 :rpl_statsqline)
151 (218 :rpl_statsyline)
152 (219 :rpl_endofstats)
153 (221 :rpl_umodeis)
154 (225 :rpl_statsdline) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
155 (227 :rpl_option) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
156 (228 :rpl_endoptions) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
157 (231 :rpl_serviceinfo)
158 (232 :rpl_endofservices)
159 (233 :rpl_service)
160 (234 :rpl_servlist)
161 (235 :rpl_servlistend)
162 (240 :rpl_statsvline)
163 (241 :rpl_statslline)
164 (242 :rpl_statsuptime)
165 (243 :rpl_statsonline)
166 (244 :rpl_statshline)
167 (245 :rpl_statssline) ; The RFC says 244 but I believe that was a typo.
168 (246 :rpl_statsping)
169 (247 :rpl_statsbline)
170 (248 :rpl_statsuline) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
171 (249 :rpl_statsdebug) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
172 (250 :rpl_statsdline)
173 (251 :rpl_luserclient)
174 (252 :rpl_luserop)
175 (253 :rpl_luserunknown)
176 (254 :rpl_luserchannels)
177 (255 :rpl_luserme)
178 (256 :rpl_adminme)
179 (257 :rpl_adminloc1)
180 (258 :rpl_adminloc2)
181 (259 :rpl_adminemail)
182 (261 :rpl_tracelog)
183 (262 :rpl_traceend)
184 (263 :rpl_tryagain)
185 (265 :rpl_localusers) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
186 (266 :rpl_globalusers) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
187 (268 :rpl_mode) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
188 (269 :rpl_endmode) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
189 (271 :rpl_sitelist) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
190 (272 :rpl_endsitelist) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
191 (290 :rpl_clientcapab) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
192 (292 :rpl_noservicehost)
193 (300 :rpl_none)
194 (301 :rpl_away)
195 (302 :rpl_userhost)
196 (303 :rpl_ison)
197 (304 :rpl_away)
198 (305 :rpl_unaway)
199 (306 :rpl_noaway)
200 (307 :rpl_whoisidentified)
201 (311 :rpl_whoisuser)
202 (312 :rpl_whoisserver)
203 (313 :rpl_whoisoperator)
204 (314 :rpl_whowasuser)
205 (315 :rpl_endofwho)
206 (316 :rpl_whoischanop)
207 (317 :rpl_whoisidle)
208 (318 :rpl_endofwhois)
209 (319 :rpl_whoischannels)
210 (320 :rpl_whoisidentified) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
211 (321 :rpl_liststart)
212 (322 :rpl_list)
213 (323 :rpl_listend)
214 (324 :rpl_channelmodeis)
215 (325 :rpl_uniqopis)
216 (326 :rpl_whoisoperprivs) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
217 (327 :rpl_whoisrealhost) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
218 (328 :rpl_channel_url)
219 (329 :rpl_creationtime) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
220 (330 :rpl_whoisidentified)
221 (331 :rpl_notopic)
222 (332 :rpl_topic)
223 (333 :rpl_topicwhotime) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
224 (341 :rpl_inviting)
225 (342 :rpl_summoning)
226 (346 :rpl_invitelist)
227 (347 :rpl_endofinvitelist)
228 (348 :rpl_exceptlist)
229 (349 :rpl_endofexceptlist)
230 (351 :rpl_version)
231 (352 :rpl_whoreply)
232 (353 :rpl_namreply)
233 (361 :rpl_killdone)
234 (362 :rpl_closing)
235 (363 :rpl_closeend)
236 (366 :rpl_endofnames)
237 (364 :rpl_links)
238 (365 :rpl_endoflinks)
239 (367 :rpl_banlist)
240 (368 :rpl_endofbanlist)
241 (369 :rpl_endofwhowas)
242 (371 :rpl_info)
243 (372 :rpl_motd)
244 (373 :rpl_infostart)
245 (374 :rpl_endofinfo)
246 (375 :rpl_motdstart)
247 (376 :rpl_endofmotd)
248 (377 :rpl_map) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
249 (378 :rpl_endofmap) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
250 (379 :rpl_forward) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
251 (381 :rpl_youreoper)
252 (382 :rpl_rehashing)
253 (383 :rpl_yourservice)
254 (384 :rpl_myportis)
255 (391 :rpl_time)
256 (392 :rpl_usersstart)
257 (393 :rpl_users)
258 (394 :rpl_endofusers)
259 (395 :rpl_nousers)
260 (396 :rpl_hiddenhost)
261 (399 :rpl_message) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
262 (401 :err_nosuchnick)
263 (402 :err_nosuchserver)
264 (403 :err_nosuchchannel)
265 (404 :err_cannotsendtochan)
266 (405 :err_toomanychannels)
267 (406 :err_wasnosuchnick)
268 (407 :err_toomanytargets)
269 (408 :err_nosuchservice)
270 (409 :err_noorigin)
271 (410 :err_services_offline) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
272 (411 :err_norecipient)
273 (412 :err_notexttosend)
274 (413 :err_notoplevel)
275 (414 :err_wildtoplevel)
276 (415 :err_badmask)
277 (421 :err_unknowncommand)
278 (422 :err_nomotd)
279 (423 :err_noadmininfo)
280 (424 :err_fileerror)
281 (431 :err_nonicknamegiven)
282 (432 :err_erroneusnickname)
283 (433 :err_nicknameinuse)
284 (436 :err_nickcollision)
285 (437 :err_unavailresource)
286 (438 :err_bannickchange) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
287 (441 :err_usernotinchannel)
288 (442 :err_notonchannel)
289 (443 :err_useronchannel)
290 (444 :err_nologin)
291 (445 :err_summondisabled)
292 (446 :err_userdisabled)
293 (447 :err_targetninvite) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
294 (448 :err_sourceninvite) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
295 (451 :err_notregistered)
296 (461 :err_needmoreparams)
297 (462 :err_alreadyregistered)
298 (463 :err_nopermforhost)
299 (464 :err_passwdmismatch)
300 (465 :err_yourebannedcreep)
301 (466 :err_youwillbebanned)
302 (467 :err_keyset)
303 (471 :err_channelisfull)
304 (472 :err_unknownmode)
305 (473 :err_inviteonlychan)
306 (474 :err_bannedfromchan)
307 (475 :err_badchannelkey)
308 (476 :err_badchanmask)
309 (477 :err_nochanmodes)
310 (478 :err_banlistfull)
311 (479 :err_badchanname) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
312 (480 :err_throttled) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
313 (481 :err_noprivileges)
314 (482 :err_chanoprivsneeded)
315 (483 :err_cantkillserver)
316 (484 :err_restricted)
317 (485 :err_uniqopprivsneeded)
318 (486 :err_restricted) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
319 (487 :err_no_op_split) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
320 (488 :err_need_umode) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
321 (491 :err_nooperhost)
322 (501 :err_umodeunknownflag)
323 (502 :err_usersdontmatch)
324 (503 :err_ghostedclient) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
325 (505 :err_blocking_notid) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
326 (511 :err_sitelistfull) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
327 (512 :err_maxmapnodes) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
328 (513 :err_maxforwarding) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
329 (514 :err_noforwarding) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
330 (515 :err_nounidentified) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
331 (516 :err_last_err_msg) ; Seen in dancer ircd source
332 (671 :rpl_secureconnection)
333 (710 :rpl_knock)
334 ))